Employees fall in line for fear of making career-limiting moves. 员工也担心做出影响职业发展的行动。
We don't think we can fall in line with your views. 我们认为我们不能同意你的意见。
These results fall in line with historical findings. 这些结果和以前得出的结果一致。
Pretty soon our friends will pair up and fall in line. 但是很快,我们的朋友们就成双成对地加入结婚大军。
But at least some key officials notably People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan are deliberately setting a path of liberalization that will eventually compel their country to fall in line with international norms. 但至少一些关键的官员正在刻意设定自由化之路,而这将最终推动中国遵循国际惯例。其中最明显的便是中国央行行长周小川。
No one should take themselves so seriously, with many years ahead to fall in line, why would you wish that on me? 任何人都不该给自己太大压力(把问题看的太严重),这么多年来都是那样想让我跟别人在同一线上,为什么你希望我成为那样?
But all of the three cause do not assure she will sink into you arms, maybe she will fall in love with the other, maybe corrupt themselves, maybe she will out of your line of sight and never appear. 但是三种可能并不能保证她将会投入你的怀抱。或许她会再次爱上另外的一个人,或者她会开始让自己堕落,也可能永远消失在你的眼前。
Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend. 这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符。
So while it can influence and challenge policy choices before they are made, it must fall in line once they are made. 因此,尽管它能够在做出政策选择之前影响并挑战这些选择,但一旦做出这些选择,它必须与其他方面保持一致。
One day in the fall of the same year, while standing in line at the supermarket, I heard someone calling my name. 秋季的一天,在超市排队结帐的时候,我听见有人叫我的名字。
Begonia flower did not fall, however, and it is in line of sight from my feet. 然而海棠花没有倒下去,它又从我的视线中站起来。
The wrong one would be to assume that with the death of Gaddafi all those supporters, whose reasons for so tenaciously defending Sirte are now clearer, will fall in line behind the new government in Tripoli. 但若是以为在卡扎菲死后,他的支持者现在我们知道他们为什么要坚守苏尔特了将从此归顺的黎波里新政府,那就错了。
The idea that skirt lengths rise and fall in line with the economy has, meanwhile, gained underpinning from the lower hems displayed at some catwalk shows this week. 而裙子长短随经济盛衰发生变化的观点,也在本周一些时装秀中放低的裙裾上得到了印证。
And they expected us to fall in line as well. 他们也希望我们会变成如此。
Under the Fed rules, the two will have at least two years, and up to five, to fall in line with the rules and capital requirements observed by the likes of Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase. 根据美联储的规定,这两家投行将有最少两年、最多五年的时间来适应花旗集团(citigroup)和摩根大通(jpmorganchase)等银行所遵守的规定和资本金要求。
Previously, industry assets have tended to rise and fall in line with underlying stock markets. 此前,该行业管理的资产往往随股市起伏而增减。
The Americans want China to let its currency appreciate faster, observe the "rules of the road" on Trade and intellectual property and fall in line with Western pressure on Syria. 美国希望中国加快货币升值,在贸易和知识产权上遵守“现存惯例”,支持西方对叙利亚施压。
If prices were to fall to$ 2000 a tonne, we think quite a lot of capacity in China and Western Europe would come off line. 如果价格跌至每吨2000美元,我们认为,中国和西欧的很多产能可能被迫停产。
Who exactly is going to sort through all of these to see if they fall in line with the Australian Government's thought police? 究竟谁能筛选这些信息,从中确定哪些与澳大利亚政府的思想机器合拍呢?
Zheng also established new requirements that traditional Chinese medicines had to fall in line with national, rather than previously established regional, standards. 郑还制订了新规定要求中国传统药物必须符合国家标准,而不是以前制订的地方标准。
During the process of airplay design, the information display area should lie in visual area of pilots. Its display layout and display mode should fall in line with visual ergonomics. 飞机信息显示区域必须限于驾驶员视域,其显示布局及显示方式应符合视觉工效学设计原则。
Affected by the fluctuation of market price index, market price should fall into a value range which is in line with the "most possible value". 由于市场价格的波动幅度,市场价格应是一个围绕最可能价格的合理可能的价值范围。
This paper, in the form of seven Chinese characters every line, brings out the translation of her poem If You Were Coming in the Fall so as to make more and more Chinese readers appreciate the magic power to the love poem of Emily Dickson. 本文以七言诗形式翻译她的IfyouWereComingintheFall这首诗,以使更多的读者赏析到艾米莉爱情诗的魅力。